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2013/04- 至今,-河南理工大学, 3044am永利集团3044noc,教师
2015/06-2016/12, 河南理工大学,3044am永利集团3044noc博士后流动站

  1. Qiang Guo*, Bo Zhao, Yan Jiang, Wu Zhao, Cutting force modeling for non-uniform helix tools based on compensated chip thickness in five-axis flank milling process,Journal of the International Societies for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, 51: 659-681,2018,(SCI,EI)2区

  2. Qiang Guo*, Mingyang Zhang, Yan Jiang, Bo Zhao, The determination of instantaneous uncut chip thickness for non-uniform helix angle tools with complex tool path in ultrasonic milling process,International Journal of Manufacturing Research,13(2):183-194,2018(EI)

  3. Qiang Guo*, Bo Zhao, Yan Jiang, Process Simulation for Five Axis Grinding Machining Using an Analytical Method, Proceedings of the IMechEs, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 232(17): 2965-2975,2018(SCI,EI)4区

  4. Qiang Guo*,Yuwen Sun*, Yan Jiang,Yanyan Yan,Pingmei Ming, Determination of the stability lobes with multi-delays considering cutter’s helix angle effect for machining process,Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture,231 (12): 2059-2071,2017(SCI,EI)4区

  5. Qiang Guo*, Bo Zhao, Mingyang Zhang, Yan Jiang, Yan Zhang, A Separate-edge Forces Coefficients’Calibration Method using Specific Condition for Cutters with Variable Helix and Pitch Angles Combining the Runout Effect, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1 :1-13,2017(SCI,EI)3区

  6. Qiang Guo*,Ge Qin, Yan Jiang, An analytic method of computing the envelope surface of general cutter with runout in 5-axis machining for manufacturing systems, Journal of Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, 38(4):403-412, 2017(SCI,EI)4区

  7. Qiang Guo*,Yan Jiang,Bo Zhao,Pingmei Ming, Chatter modeling and stability lobes predicting for non-uniform helix tools, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,87 (1-4) :251-266,2016(SCI,EI)3区

  8. Qiang Guo*,Yuwen Sun*, Yan Jiang,Yanyan Yan,Bo Zhao, Pingmei Ming, Tool path optimization for five-axis flank milling with cutter runout effect using the theory of envelope surface based on CL data for general tools, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 38:87-97,2016(SCI,EI)2区

  9. Qiang Guo,Yuwen Sun*,Dongming Guo,Chuantai Zhang, New Mathematical Method for the Determination of Cutter Runout Parameters in flat-end milling, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering,25(5):947-952,2012(SCI,EI)4区

  10. Qiang Guo,Yuwen Sun*,Dongming Guo, Analytical modeling of geometric errors induced by cutter runout and tool path optimization for five axis flank machining,Science China Technological Sciences,54(12):3180-3190,2011 (SCI,EI)2区

  11. Qiang Guo,Yuwen Sun*,Yan Jiang, On the accurate calculation of milling stability limits using third-order full-discretization method,International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture,62:61-66,2012 (SCI,EI)1区

  12. Qiang Guo,Yuwen Sun*,Yan Jiang,Dongming Guo, Prediction of stability limit for multi-regenerative chatter in high performance milling,International Journal of Dynamics and Control,2(1):33-45,2014 (EI)

  13. Yuwen Sun*,Qiang Guo, Numerical simulation and prediction of cutting forces in five-axis milling processes with cutter run-out,International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture,51(10-11):805-816,2011(SCI,EI) 1区

  14. Yuwen sun*,Qiang Guo, Analytical modeling and simulation of the envelope surface in five axis flank milling with cutter runout,Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering,134(2):021010-1-021010-11,2012(SCI,EI)3区

  15. Zhenyuan Jia*,Qiang Guo,Yuwen Sun,Dongming Guo, Redesigned Surface Based Machining Strategy and Method in Peripheral Milling of Thin-walled Parts,Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering,23(3):282-287,2010(SCI,EI)3区

  16. Qiang Guo,Yuwen Sun*,Feifei Xu,Dongming Guo, Prediction of cutting forces integrated run-out effect for five-axis peripheral milling with a cylindrical cutter,Proceedings of the Third international conference on Intelligent robotics and applications - Volume Part II,565-575,shanghai,2010.12.10-12(EI)

2015年主持登记 “(超声)铣削稳定性极限图预测系统”软件著作权
2016年主持登记“跳动的壁类零侧铣加工刀位路径优化设计系统” 软件著作权
[4]2015年,河南省教育厅项目, “基于铣削特性的工艺参数优化设计理论与技术研究”,负责人。
[5]2015年,河南理工大学基本科研业务费,“基于切削稳定性的圆周铣刀结构优化设计理论及方法研究”, 负责人。